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[무역/물류 비지니스영어] 틀리기 쉬운 기본 표현 정리 1, 2, 3

by summer summer 2021. 7. 27.

유튜브 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp7sCrfvOsw 무역비지니스영어 1편 콩글리쉬


1. Can you sign here? / Can I have your signiture here?


2. I have another meeting after this. / I have an[앤:] appointment with (person/company).


3. See you at work.


4. Do you have to work overtime today? / Let's work overtime today.


5. Objective of the meeting 회의 주제, 목적


6. Presentation 프레젠테이션(PT X -> It sounds like Personal Training)


7. Video clip, video (UCC X) -> Shall we take a look at the video clip? / Let's look at the video.



유튜브 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f-6vX6ytjs 무역비지니스영어 2편 면접


1. Sell yourself! 1

- Show your strengths! Market yourself to the interviewers.

- Strong adjectives for describing strengths.


2. 추천 단어들(형용사)

accurate 정확한 active 활동적인 competent (일에) 능숙한 dependable 믿을 수 있는 determined 단호한 efficient 효율적인 logical 논리적인 productive 생산적인 resourceful 재능이 많은 trustworthy 신뢰가 가는


3. Sell yourself! 2

- Experiences are key! Show what you have done and how it can help the company.

- Strong adjectives for describing experiences.


4. 추천 단어들(동사)

accomplish 수행하다 adapt 조정하다, 맞추다 advise 조언하다 collaborate 협력하다 conduct 지휘하다 head 대표, 장, (특정 방향으로) 가다 lead 이끌다 manage 관리하다 organize 조직하다 supervise 감독하다


5. Conduct ex. In my previous company, I conducted several different surveys that helped our marketing projects.


6. Questions! Your turn to ask! Show that you did your homework about the company!

- Current Projects

- Clients

- Products 



유튜브 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRTZx25KH80&list=PLhTQBIFtfcuqyDhGEBh6vp7DqncwJBq0G&index=4 무역비지니스영어 3편 Resigning from the company(퇴사)


1. Nothing lasts forever ( 하지만 난 퇴사할 생각 없다규! 그냥 퇴사편은 표현만 줍줍! )


2. What is a resignation? (레지그네이션/퇴사) + resign (리자인/퇴사하다)

- A resignation is the act of leaving your job.


3. Leave on good terms!

- Don't let rumors fly, make sure you tell your employer first!

- Check your contract, check the policy on when you should notify(알리다) your company about your resignation.

- US companies usually request a 2-week notice.


4. If you don't like your company, don't show it. (나쁜 내색해서 좋을 것 없음, 싫어도 티내지 말자)

- Companies you apply(지원하다) for will contact your previous company as a reference(참고, 참조).


5. Informing your employer(inform 알리다)

- Always inform in person, no text, no email.

  1. Polite

  2. Neutral(중립적인)/Positive

  - Thank you for everything you've taught me.

  3. Brief explanation (간결한 설명) 구구절절 퇴사 이유 설명 X

  4. Thank them for the opportunity to work together

  5. Offer help with transition 인수인계 도와주기

  6. Date of resignation 그만두는 날짜 명확하게 알려주기



다음에는 4, 5편, 중급 1-4편, 또 스페인어 1-2편도 있어서 이 부분도 하나씩 보고 공부후 정리해서 올려야겠다!

